MX Lookup

MX records store all relevant Mail Exchange server data. This information is used to route all email requests for the domain to the appropriate mail server.

What is MX Lookup tool used for?

MX (Mail eXchanger) records are DNS records that tell email servers where to send email for a particular domain. When you send an email to a domain, your email server looks up the MX records for that domain to find the mail servers that are responsible for receiving email for that domain.

There are a few reasons why you might want to check your MX records online. For example, you might want to check your MX records to see if they are correct. If your MX records are incorrect, it could prevent you from receiving email.

You might also want to check your MX records to see if they have been changed. If your MX records have been changed, it could be a sign that someone has hacked into your account or that your internet service provider has changed your MX records.

Here are a few popular websites that you can use to check your MX records online:

  • MX Lookup: This website is a simple and straightforward way to check your MX records. It also provides information about the mail servers, their IP addresses, and their priority.
  • Mail Server Blacklist Monitor: This website offers a variety of features, including the ability to check your MX records for different domains and to see if your MX records are on any blacklists.
  • DNS Benchmark: This website is a bit more advanced than the others, but it offers a number of useful features, such as the ability to test your MX records for performance and to compare your MX records to those of other users.

To check your MX records using any of these websites, simply visit the website and enter your domain name. The website will then display your MX records and other relevant information.

Here are the steps on how to check your MX records online:

  1. Open a web browser and go to one of the websites listed above.
  2. Enter your domain name in the provided field.
  3. Click on the "Check" button.
  4. The website will then display your MX records and other relevant information.